Wednesday, 31 March 2010

This work started as an experiment, of course.
A Glass face.
We, humans are also transparent, you can see the emotions on faces, but emotions are inside our head not on the face, so that means you can see trough the face inside the head, into the mind. Because of the feelings you look at the real entity in front of you, not just the material body. I've made different faces, different races, I'm sure that you can see the difference between them.
They have one thing in common, the feelings, they all have the same range of feelings, like when you are shy and you blush, you turn red. Even if they are a frozen liquid (glass), you can still see the sentiments of my glass faces, they blush, they become pale, like real faces due to the colored light coming from behind the glass face.
Light is manifested trough the power of the electricity, electricity makes the light to light up the glass faces. The brain use electric signals to make our face muscles react, it is all happening behind the mask-face. 
Hey that's a good name for this work:)

Remember, look behind the maskface, don't be fooled!


Tuesday, 30 March 2010

How much can you believe in God? Enough to live for 1 day without food? Or maybe to live for 2... or even 3 days without food? Really?! Can you live 3 days without food? What about 4,5,6,7,..,25,26,27 ! What would a man learn from such an experience?!
 "If his ordeal taught him anything, it is that hope springs eternal, he says, adding: "Those who are sick should have the courage to live and pray to God, and those who are healthy need to cherish their life and to pray. Now I know that I must live life to the best I can each day."

How can it be?! Such a beautiful and inspiring words.

Buried for 27 days: Haiti earthquake survivor's amazing story

Friday, 26 March 2010

Why do we put ourselves inside a box!? When we believe we are a certain person ,  we just limit ourselves, we put ourselves inside a box. I'm an introverted person..., why?! Nobody is stopping you from being extroverted! When you take a decision, let’s say when you decide that you want to do this or that in life, you just become blind to some other opportunities. Inside you, there are thousand, millions, an infinite number of possibilities! Why do we limit ourselves to just a few or even one option in life?! Seeing the video below I was inspired to think that we are just like that, one thousand of selves. I'm not just one option made up by my ego! I'm everything that comes to me, my thousand selves are here to seize the occasion!

About the video:

Guan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion, revered by Buddhists as the Goddess of Mercy
"As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
A thousand hands will naturally come to your aid
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
You will reach out with a thousand hands to help others"

That is a nice way to approach life:)

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Oh, I've just heard this song on radio, the word "ego" got my attention, and then I was surprised by the rest:  "Walk a mile in my shoes / And before you abuse, criticize and accuse / Walk a mile in my shoes".
I know how hard it is not to criticize everything around you, especially when we are all surrounded by this world full of problems, maybe next time when you will be tempted to criticize, you will sing this song! Before you start listening the song I want to share these quotes with you:

"O Son of Being! How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others? Whoso doeth this is accursed of Me."
"O Son of Man! Breathe not the sins of others so long as thou art thyself a sinner. Shouldst thou transgress this command, accursed wouldst thou be, and to this I bear witness."
Baha'u'llah: Hidden Words

I got the lyrics for you, so enjoy!
"If I could be you / And you could be me / For just one hour / If you could find a way / To get inside / Each other's mind / If you could see you / Trough my eyes / Instead of your ego / I believe you'd be /
Surprised to see / That you've been blind / Now the whole world / You see around you / Is just a reflection / And of karma / Says you be / Just what you saw / So unless you / Lived your life / Of total perfection / You gotta be careful / Of every stone / That you should throw / Have you ever spend the day / Throwing stones / At one another / Cause I don't think / Or wear my heat / The same way you do / Well I maybe / Come in people / But I'm still your brother / And when you strike out / Trying to hurt me / [Its a burning fuse] / Walk a mile in my shoes / Walk a mile in my shoes / And before you abuse, criticize and accuse / Walk a mile in my shoes / There are people / On reservations / And out in the ghetto's / And brother there / Before the [grace] of God / Go you and I / If I only / Had the wings / Of a little angel / Don't you know i'd fly / To the top of the mountain / And then I'd cry / Walk a mile in my shoes / Walk a mile in my shoes / And before you abuse, criticize and accuse / Walk a mile in my shoes"

And a second song, same band, also interesting lyrics :)

Coldcut - Mr Nichols  "Lyrics here"

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

About Happiness :)
 I want to share whith you what my thoughts are about the subject, happiness.
Even thou my process of discovering what happiness is and how to find it involved reading the baha'i  writings first and after some time, in fact years, finding these videos, I will put first the videos and then some things that got me inspired from the baha'i writings, about this subject.

Srikumar Rao says we spend most of our lives learning to be unhappy, even as we strive for happiness. He says how to break free of the "I'd be happy if ..." mental model, and embrace our hard-wired happiness. Wich implies that we have happiness within our self.

 Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment.

“Happiness consists of two kinds; physical and spiritual. The physical happiness is limited; its utmost duration is one day, one month, one year. It hath no result. Spiritual happiness is eternal and unfathomable. This kind of happiness appeareth in one’s soul with the love of God and suffereth one to attain to the virtues and perfections of the world of humanity. Therefore, endeavor as much as thou canst in order to illumine the lamp of thy heart with the light of love.”

(Compilations, Baha’i Scriptures, p. 472)

“As to spiritual happiness, this is the true basis of the life of man because life is created for happiness, not for sorrow…This happiness is the fundamental basis from which man is created, worlds are originated, the contigent beings have existence and the world of God appears like unto the appearance of the sun at mid-day. This happiness is but the love of God.”

(Abdu’l-Baha, Star of the West, Vol. VII:16, 31 December 1916, p. 163)

“For what pleasure can compare the pleasure of bringing joy and hope to other hearts. The more we make others happy the greater will be our own happiness and the deeper our sense of having served humanity.”

(Shoghi Effendi, The Light of Divine Guidance v I, p. 45)

Rejoice in the gladness of thine heart, that thou mayest be worthy to meet Me and to mirror forth My beauty."

(Baha'u'llah,  Hidden Words, )

Friday, 5 March 2010

"What is SoulPancake?

SoulPancake is more of a mission than a Web site. It's a MOVEMENT to wrestle with and chew on LIFE'S BIG QUESTIONS. It's a way to EXPLORE why we believe the things that we believe. It's a place for you to TALK about your soul and the existence of God. It's a space to ENGAGE in art, philosophy, creativity, truth, and beauty. And ultimately, SoulPancake is a community of people who are digging DEEPER to figure out what it means to be human and to experience this rich, strange, difficult, and awesome journey called life."
Here is one of the latest question from

List 5 things you can’t believe that other people believe in.

I would say:
1. Politicians
2. Hell and heaven
3. The Media
4. Clerics
5. Comercials
Any way, you can go on the website and register to answer to this question or have fun answering tons of other interesting LIFE'S BIG QUESTIONS and even  make some of your own for the others :) SoulPancake / SP Content / Ludicrous Belief List

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Where can a life of honest work lead to in a modern contemporary society?! How hard do you need to search to find other examples?! Do we need to change something?!


 documentary made by Diana Deleanu  "Humoresque"

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Do you want to be an scientist today?!

Well, you are lucky! Here is how. "Donate the power of your computer when it is turned on, but is idle, to projects that benefit humanity!" The good part is that everyone can benefit from it, not just a company, it knowledge for every one who can use it, for free. "World Community Grid invites public and not-for-profit organizations to apply to use its powerful grid technology at no cost for projects that benefit humanity. Grid technology enables researchers to access tremendous amounts of power, exceeding that of several supercomputers, to run complex computations and to accelerate the pace of their research. Research results must be made available to the global research community and will be made available on World Community Grid's web site." 
"How do projects get chosen? 
Projects with the best potential to benefit from WCG technology are chosen by an independent, external board of philanthropists, scientists and officials. Submissions should address humanitarian concerns." You can even chose the projects you like.
Active projects today
Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy
Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together
Help Defeat Cancer
Help Fight Childhood Cancer
Human Proteome Folding

So, if you want to do it, join here and  install the program

Enjoy your research!

P.S. I apologize to the real scientists! We know that they are behind all this accomplishments, so in fact we are not real scientists :)